Hey there, I’m Jen Amabile.
I’m here to awaken you to the joyful wholeness that’s waiting just on the other side of doubt, fear and heartache.
You see - in 2010, I became somewhat of an expert in the topic of heartache.
My mom died of cancer when I was just 26 years old. In this one moment, my entire world came crashing down. It sent me into a cycle of depression and anxiety that lasted many years. I was suffering in my health and in my heart. The grief of mom’s passing illuminated all the ways in which I felt deeply lonely, and I desperately wanted to be married more than ever.
Though I’d always imagined as a young girl that I’d marry the man of my dreams in my 20’s, have three kids and live happily ever after…. my real life didn’t look anything like that fairtytale.
I was sure that if I could just “find my man,” I’d be happy again and magically fill the hole in my heart.
So I dated and dated. And dated some more. I had some good relationships and some not-so-good ones. But it all felt so unfulfilling. It’s like the more men I dated, the more empty I felt. More frustrated. More alone.
After far too long on this merry-go-round, I HAD to get real with myself.
None of these men were aligned with what I wanted - because I had no clue what that even was. I’d never really spent the time to ask myself before. Even in all my teenage daydreaming of the fairytale romance, I didn’t know how to envision the details of what my ideal partnership and marriage would look like. And - more importantly - how a partner could compliment MY strengths, needs and desires.
So, I took a break from it ALL and decided to really take advantage of being single.
I had to get clear on what I wanted - for me. Independent of anyone or anything.